
Thursday, August 13, 2015

You'll Find it all at Real Investments!

You'll Find it all at Real Investments!

Real Investments is the Marketing Alliance flagship investing service, and it's the kind of real-time 'trading floor' I find absolutely indispensable, and I'd like for you to get in on the action, too.

Staffed with nearly three dozen investing pros, money managers, journalists and analysts, Real Investments gives you new investing ideas every day and talks you out of bad ideas that will just plain cost you money.

Of course, it's the ONLY place where I share my favorite stocks and strategies during the trading day.

Real Investments is where I'm blogging and tweeting about anything important in the world of investing each and every day the market is open (and most weekends and holidays, too).

As a Real Investments member, you'll not only hear from me, you'll also find real professionals interacting right in front of you... almost all of them with their own money on the line!

Just look at one days' worth of our stock ideasLike me, Doug Kass, Helene Meisler, James "Rev Shark" DePorre, Tim Melvin, Brian Sozzi and all the rest of our writers call 'em like they see 'em.

We take sides. We call out bad apples.

And yes, we have skin in the game. We are backing our ideas with our own money every day, so you can be sure that underneath all the fun, we're taking this VERY seriously.

I'm living proof that you can be a more successful investor by trading tips, secrets and intelligence with other money managers and traders.

Look, there may be some genius somewhere who can win this difficult game by sitting alone in a room looking at his trading screens.

But every successful Wall Street trader I know will tell you that there's no substitute for trading ideas with passionate market observers, like the virtual 'trading floor' at Real Investments.

You get the kind of information and perspective that can elevate your investment returns, plus sympathy and camaraderie in the bargain.